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Jakarta seharusnya...

In KURASIK, we will dismantle problems that have not been resolved for hundreds of years, namely regarding the role and potential of informality in the daily life of cities, while at the same time looking for suitable approaches and solutions so that this informal city can accommodate itself and achieve a new informal city paradigm.

Jakarta seharusnya...

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What is KURASIK?

KURASIK (Accommodating the Urban Informal Course) is a joint learning program from RRJ that invites people from across sectors to join in the process of imagining how the city of Jakarta (and other cities) can accommodate informality as a very important category of economic and socio-cultural activity. ​


Through discussions, workshops, field expeditions and simulations, KURASIK participants will participate with RRJ in developing an understanding of the reality of informality in Jakarta which has started through the KOTANATOMI program, identify issues and interests of formal and informal parties and the interactions between them, and develop innovative solutions that can accommodate them.


As the world's largest informal sector, where millions of people rely on income from informal businesses and millions of others rely on the informal sector as consumers, Jakarta is the best candidate to become a laboratory for studying informality in urban public spaces. Moreover, Jakarta's informal sector has characteristics that are very suitable in the context of the city and become an attraction for consumers.


At RRJ we think that overcoming problems related to the existence of informality in urban public spaces does not require getting rid of informality. Instead, we can look for new approaches that preserve the benefits of informality without harming the interests of others.

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